Midwest Professional
Medical Education
Leader In The Medical And Rehabilitation Continuing Education In Michigan established in 2005

About Us
Welcome To Midwest Professional Medical Education
At MPME, we understand the financial pressure put upon healthcare departments and professional programs and the resulting decrease in budget allocation for areas such as continuing education.
We also understand the importance of keeping professional staff and students up to date on the latest rehabilitation techniques and theory to maximize outcomes and reimbursement.
That is why we created MPME, to maximize continuing education dollars while providing the opportunity to learn from some of the best practitioners in the nation.

Dr. Dennis A. Jewett, MD

Dr. Kenneth Highhouse, MD

Dr. John Stephen, PPD

Dr. Gavin E. Hamer

Ms. Bhini Semwal

Dr. Deepak Kumar PhD
Meat The Team

Dr. Dennis A. Jewett, MD

Dr. Kenneth Highhouse, MD

Dr. John Stephen, PPD

Dr. Gavin E. Hamer

Ms. Bhini Semwal

Dr. Deepak Kumar PhD
Upcoming Courses
Certificate Course in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT)
Hands on Workshop based on Integrated approach of various manual therapy concepts conducted by Capri Institute of Manual Therapy that has trained more than 10,000 Physios in more Than 200 workshops Conducted in last 15 years in Various countries including Canada, Jordan, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and all over India and treated more than 85,000 patients in last 25 years.
The course is approved for 24CEUs with the MI state Board of Physical Therapy. Other states may also approve, but it’s up to the individual State board.

Upcoming Courses
Certificate Course in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT)
This course was previously approved for 61 total hours by FSBPT till Dec 2021( Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy) in 35 plus states which include Michigan State Board of Physical Therapy. Other states may also approve this course but it’s up to the individual state board. Currently 64 CEU for MI.
Part A – Spine (32 hours)
Location: 1908 W Milham Ave, Portage, MI 49024
Tuition fee- $750
Early Bird – $695.00 till May 31st, 2022 $695.
Part B – (Extremities and Certification) – (32 hours)
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